Tuesday, November 20, 2007

General Shakespeare News

We GoogleNews search “Shakespeare” so you don’t have to.

The Charlotte Observer has an excerpt from Shakespeare Unbound: Uncoding a Hidden Life by Rene Weis. You can read it here.

The Columbia Spectator reviews Jennifer Lee Carrell’s Interred with Their Bones and compares it to the crappiest book ever written. I know that makes me want to read it. But not really because I'm using sarcasm. But it’s about Shakespeare and mysteriousness so I probably will.

The Washington Shakespeare Theatre Company has a new space: the Sidney Harman Hall. To open the space, they’re presenting two Christopher Marlowe plays in rep – a highly controversial move that says “hey, other people wrote plays too.”
For more about Harman Hall:
Philip Kennicott, Washington Post, November 18th

A bit about the Hall, a bit about Marlowe, a bit about the current productions:
Charles Isherwood, The NY Times, November 15

An article on the Globe Education Initiative embracing new technology from TeachingExpertise.com.

Originally, I kind of rolled my eyes when I heard the headline for what I’m about to link. I thought, “Geez BBC – didn’t you JUST do this? British people are show-offs.” Then I remembered math and that it was actually 30 years ago. And then I remembered Derek Jacobi (nothing specific, just Derek Jacobi in general) and that made me happy. And then I read about who is involved in this new undertaking and that HBO may take part which means I won’t have to download anything illegally from internet. And then I had something that can only be described as a “Shakesgasm.”*

And now I should probably tell you what I'm talking about.

Sam Leith at the Telgraph UK does not agree with me. But then again, I really like the Henry VIs so what do I know?


*I tried really hard to come up with a word that sound classier than “crappy” but nothing felt as right.
*I need to come up with a better word for that.

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